Watch Rahul Rajagopal Movies & TV Shows
Identity (2025)
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A sketch artist and a cop work together to unravel the identity of an elusive killer using the descriptions of his face, etched into the memory of an eye-witness to the brutal crime
Turbo (2024)
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An Idukki jeep driver attracts the ire of the head of a shady criminal syndicate after his friends uncover a large-scale financial scam.
Anweshippin Kandethum (2024)
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A team of four expert policemen go through extreme trials and tribulations to find the killer of a young woman.
Kondal (2024)
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Manuel had to leave Munambam Harbour to work on St. Anthony's boat due to a serious problem in his hometown, Anchuthengu. Unexpected events on the boat changes the lives of Manuel and the people working there.